Sunday, August 1, 2010

Take Charge! Report Your GBS!

It is time for GBSers to take charge! Hospitals are supposed to report every case of GBS to state health departments and the CDC, however many times it is not. It is essential to get your case reported to provide researchers with more accurate number of cases. Was your GBS the result of a vaccine, bacterial infection, or just out of the blue?

If your GBS was the result of a vaccine, the CDC is a cosponsor of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. "Anyone can file a VAERS report, including health care providers, manufacturers, and vaccine recipients. The majority of VAERS reports are sent in by vaccine manufacturers (37%) and health care providers (36%). The remaining reports are obtained from state immunization programs (10%), vaccine recipients (or their parent/guardians, 7%) and other sources (10%). Vaccine recipients or their parents or guardians are encouraged to seek the help of their health care professional in filling out the VAERS form. Each report provides valuable information that is added to the VAERS database. Accurate and complete reporting of post-vaccination events supplies the information needed for evaluation of vaccine safety." Visit VAERS website to learn more.

All other GBS cases should be reported in accordance with your local or state's health department. The CDC especially requests vaccine related GBS in children 11-19 be also reported to state health departments. Many times reports of GBS are required to be filled out by a neurologist, so just print out the form for them to fill out and give back to you to send back. Here is an example of a Guillain-Barre Syndrome Case Report Form from Los Angeles, CA.



  1. I was actually contacted by the NYS Health Department after the hospital reported my gb and they conducted a survey over the phone about my diagnosis and treatment, as well as reporting my case to the CDC. My gb was not vaccine-related, but now I am wondering about the upcoming flu season and the vaccine...I've received the vaccine for about 10 years and am guessing that it wouldn't be a very bright idea to receive it again...your thoughts?

  2. My neurologist will not recommend I get a flu vaccine, and my GBS was almost certainly not vaccine related as it was 5 months after my flu shot, and shortly after I recovered from a virus (cold/cough) that was the likely trigger. My doctor said that maybe in the future the benefit might out-weigh the risk, but not for now. I had flu vaccines for 20 years prior to having GBS....

  3. Ksochia, that it is great to hear that NYS HD and the CDC were aware of your GBS case. As for your decision to get a flu vaccine, that is advice I can't give. There are guidelines however on the GBS-CIDP Foundation International website.

    Amy D......I also advise you check out the Foundation's website. If your GBS was within a year, related or not to a vaccination, it is not advised.

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